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Lilly Roddy
  by Lilly Roddy 

Aquarius 1/20-2/18 Pisces 2/19-3/20 Aries 3/21-4/19 
Taurus 4/20-5/20 Gemini 5/21-6/21 Cancer 6/22-7/22 
Leo 7/23 - 8/22 Virgo 8/23-9/22 Libra 9/23-10/23  
Scorpio 10/24-11/21 Sagittarius 11/22-12/21 
Capricorn 12/22-1/19

General Information: Mercury, our communicator and organizer, is direct on the September 1. This is the time to get our new projects started. We need to get as much done as possible before November 15. Between November 24 and April 24, 2025, there will be a Mars retrograde, a Venus retrograde, and two Mercury retrogrades. This will really slow things down, delaying lots of activity. Also, Mars (our planet of self-protection) enters Cancer (our nation’s sign) on the 3rd. Often when Mars is in Cancer, there is more anger, violence, sword rattling, and potential war activity as people express anger through their emotions. The lunar eclipse on September 17 at 9:34 p.m. in Pisces will have a strong impact on the mutable signs of Pisces, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Gemini. Good days this month are the 19th, 24th, and 26th. Days to avoid are the 1st, 3rd, 7th, 8th, 11th, 18th, 21st, and 22nd. We will need to be on our toes this month!

Aries – You are paying more attention to your health and work routines, making changes where necessary. You are quicker to anger than usual, and you may need more time to yourself, just to have a break from your expectations. Your interest in expanding your education or upgrading your current level of knowledge is very strong. Home and family issues will have you considering moving, remodeling, taking more control of the family, and letting others know what you really think. In the latter half of the month, relationships become the primary topic. This is a good time to renew bonds, meet someone new, improve your connection with clients/customers, and explore the ideals of fairness and balance.

Taurus – Career activity continues to build through May of next year. You may be starting a new path, starting your own business, and if you are older, you may be cutting back. Family dynamics are driving some of your desires to change your work environment. With friends and groups, you are expecting more from them. You are not as tolerant of their behavior as you have been in the past. You are in a more creative and playful time, even with the shifts in your career. Spending more time with your children can be really beneficial to you! There is an increase in your day-to-day activity level. You may find that you are responding to lots of extra requests. You are also more direct with people. In the latter part of the month, you connect back to your routines and improving your relationships with your co-workers. 

Gemini – Home and family are the primary topics as the month begins. This is an excellent time to have a family reunion, to make your nest a more comfortable place, and possibly to step into a more powerful role within the family. You may also be looking at relocating in connection with your work. This is a time for you to step into a leadership role and to define your goals. Career is a big thing this year. You could start your own thing or cut back to suit your needs at this time. This continues to be a great time to expand your education or to update what you know. You should watch your spending over the next 58 days. You will respond more to impulse buying and not consider the impact financially. In the latter part of the month, you are looking to step away from routines and have a little more fun.

Cancer – Mars, planet of action, self-defense, and improved health, enters your sign on August 4 and will be there until November 3. You will be more active and less patient, paying more attention to your health, ready to get things done, confronting issues, and defending yourself if necessary. In positive relationships, this is a time of renewal and bonding. If you are single, this is a good time to meet new people. And if you are in a difficult partnership, this will bring those issues to the surface so you can confront them. This month, you are working on getting your daily existence more organized. This is a great month to get closets and storerooms in order. Finances have been slow, but that should improve with Mercury going direct as the month begins. In the latter part of the month, home and family (familiar topics for Cancerians) become more important. You will want a more peaceful environment, even if you have to fight for it!

Leo – This is a busy month for you with lots of different areas being activated. With Mercury now direct in your sign, this is the perfect month to start your new projects, buy your new phones, and improve your internet service. You are paying more attention to your resources and looking for ways to control your spending. Debt has been an issue in the past, and you are trying to get that out of your life! This continues to be a more active social time that is good for making new friends, joining in neighborhood groups, and marketing your skills to a new group of people. You are still looking to make your career life more fun and less restrictive. You may be looking for a new workplace. In the latter part of the month, you are looking for a more peaceful environment. Politeness will be a big thing!

Virgo – You are in a serious mood this month. You are setting new goals, creating some workable boundaries, telling people what you really think, and expecting people to act like adults. You will have little or no patience with people who are wasting your time and money. This vigor activates your career energies. You will make some improvements there and in the overall day-to-day functions of your job. This is your birthday month, a time when you look back at what you accomplished last year and look forward to what you might attempt this year. You will have greater expectations about what you plan to realize this year! In the latter half of the month, money and finances take the spotlight. Career activity continues to look good through next year. You should have more opportunities this year.

Libra – This month before your birthday is often a time of rest and retreat. You are more sensitive to your environment, and you will need more time to yourself to recover from the onslaught. This is a time when you are more psychic, and things affect you more than usual. This may cause some conflict, as your career sector gets very busy over the next 55 days. You may take a leadership role or even start something on your own. What you won’t be is patient. You may even find that you are more of an instigator, rather than someone who helps others find peace. By the latter part of the month, you are feeling more like your normal self. Relationships and personal responsibility become more important. This may be a time when you formalize your partnership and focus on the future. This is a good time to improve your health and eating regimen.

Scorpio – This past month has been about you reviewing and revising your current career path. You are now settling in and implementing your new ideas. You may be relocating to satisfy a job or to do some personal downsizing. There are big changes occurring in your family that affect the way power is used. This can be a time when there is a new matriarch/patriarch coming in, and that may be you! Groups and business associations are very important to you this month and can help with career and friendships. And you may take a lead position there. This continues to be an excellent time to look into investing, playing the stock market, or refinancing your home. In the latter part of the month, you are needing more personal time as you become more sensitized to your environment. Choose your company carefully.

Sagittarius – Relationships continue to be active this month. This is a very good time to renew those bonds in positive relationships, both business and personal. If you are single, this is a great time to market yourself. If you are in a difficult relationship, you are hungry for a more satisfying connection! Career activity is also a major topic for this month. This is a time when you are thinking more about your career future and where you are going. If you are older, you may be cutting back. If you are in your prime, you are taking on a leadership role or doing something on your own. Friends and support groups can be especially beneficial to you this month. Don’t be shy about asking for help. Others are glad to return the favor.

Capricorn – This month, you return to clearing and cleaning out the past. You are seriously rethinking your life and what your current options are. Since you are so good at picking up after others, we’re all expecting you to do that. However, you are definitely implementing better boundaries and telling people No. Relationships will be a big topic for the next 50 days or so. This is the time to renew your bonds and reignite the passion. If you are having problems in a business or personal partnership, this will force the issues to the surface so they have to deal with it. This can be a very good energy that gives you confidence if you are interested in finding someone to partner with. You will not be very patient this month, and exercise can help release some of the extra energy you feel!

Aquarius – This month, many areas are active at once. Relationships have been important with Mercury retrograding through this area last month. This should have helped clear up any problems from the past. Finances, investments, and debt are all topics you are paying attention to. You are trying to make sure you have a sense of security as you get older. On a personal level, you are doing some downsizing and letting go of past jobs and expectations. This would be a normal time to wonder what is next. The latter part of the month is a better time to travel, teach or take a class, or improve your social-influencer status via social media. This is a super time to pay attention to your health by improving exercise and eating habits. You will be more motivated to take care of health problems, and ready to commit to the cure. Co-workers could be more edgy this month. It’s not you, it’s them!

Pisces – This is a big relationship month for you. For some, this is the time to move in, get married, and establish your relationship. For others, this is a time to set new goals and directions in your existing partnerships, both business and personal. For single folks, you may want a relationship but you want the other person to be as active and committed as you are. You may seem more picky than usual, or relationships may not seem worth the effort. This is a busy time for home and family activity. This is a very good time to visit, relocate, and possibly move to satisfy a job. You are ready to do some downsizing so your life is more manageable. This urge actually gets stronger next year! In the latter part of the month, you are paying more attention to investments and debt. Moving forward and being safe is very important this month.

For you own personal forecast  
by phone: 713-529-5842 or
 her E-mail lillycath@aol.com 


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